Wednesday, 3 February 2010

New site - 5th Feb 2010

It has not been without it's problems, but on Friday we will be launching with the new MBAmatch website. We won't be quite at full power, and there is a lot of content to move over still. However we will be open to ideas, suggestions and improvements we can make on the website.

This involves a large amount of data conversion, as well as host and DNS modifications, but all going well there should be no major downtime. We do intend over the following few months to make further improvements and extend the MBAmatch network so stick close!


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  4. That was awesome! Updates is always a good move!

  5. Great! I'd like to know more info about Vacation Spots also

  6. Looking forward on the launching of your new website.

  7. Congratulations guys! It is a wonderful news
